Yamas and Niyamas can be identified as few codes and conditions that every follower of Hinduism has to respect and pursue in their everyday life. Here we are giving you a quick overview on Yamas and Niyamas. In today’s video, we have also counted those 10 Yamas as well as Niyamas that the Vedantic scriptures have discussed for years.
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1. In Hinduism, the Yamas and Niyamas are two of the prime ways of right living or approaches towards daily practices and activities.
2. Through the centuries, the Yamas and Niyamas are reserved as foundations and recommended by every Hindu scholar and preacher.
3. The word Yama stands for the restrictions or moral disciplines, whereas the Niyama means the observances, habits or practices that are needed to be exercised compulsorily.
4. The Vedic scriptures have time and again repeated ten of Yamas and Niyamas that Hinds should strictly implement.
5. The ten Yamas that prescribed in the Vedas are:
Ahimsa (non-injury), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (celibacy), Kshama (patience), Dhriti (steadfastness), Daya (compassion), Arjava (honesty), Mitahara (measured diet), Saucha or Svacha (purity).
6. The ten Niyamas that suggested in ancient Indian texts are:
Hri (modesty), Santosha (satisfaction), Dana (charity), Astikya (faith), Ishvarapujana (worship of the Lord), Siddhanta Sravana (Scriptural Listening), Mati (Cognition), Vrata (Sacred Vows), Japa (Incantation), Tapas (Austerity).
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